
Stool collection may be prescribed by a doctor under the following circumstances:

  • Inflammation or allergy during assessing milk protein allergies in babies
  • To identify bacteria, parasite, or viral infection in the gastrointestinal region
  • Gastrointestinal tract bleeding
  • Digestion problem

Stool test will analyze what is left in the sample. For example, a lab technician would check the fat content. It is because the intestine absorbs the fat, leaving no fat in the stool. In case, traces of fat are noted, then it suggests a problem with digestion.

Omega Diagnostic Center can detect gastrointestinal problems such as inflammatory bowel issues, gastric cancer, anal fissures, and hemorrhoids and other blood issues with stool samples. We collect evidence that suggests that you might be having a problem and bring it to your attention so that you can get it treated in time.